Nuclear Physics Facts

Nuclear Physics Facts

  • Alpha particles are the same as helium nuclei and have the symbol .
  • The atomic number is equal to the number of protons (2 for alpha)
  • Deuterium () is an isotope of hydrogen ()
  • The number of nucleons is equal to protons + neutrons (4 for alpha)
  • Only charged particles can be accelerated in a particle accelerator such as a cyclotron or Van Der Graaf generator.
  • Natural radiation is alpha (), beta () and gamma (high energy x-rays)
  • A loss of a beta particle results in an increase in atomic number.
  • All nuclei weigh less than their parts. This mass defect is converted into binding energy. (E=mc2)
  • Isotopes have different neutron numbers and atomic masses but the same number of protons (atomic numbers).
  • Geiger counters, photographic plates, cloud and bubble chambers are all used to detect or observe radiation.
  • Rutherford discovered the positive nucleus using his famous gold-foil experiment.
  • Fusion requires that hydrogen be combined to make helium.
  • Fission requires that a neutron causes uranium to be split into middle size atoms and produce extra neutrons.
  • Radioactive half-lives can not be changed by heat or pressure.
  • One AMU of mass is equal to 931 meV of energy (E = mc2).
  • Nuclear forces are strong and short ranged.