Scope of Physics

Scope of Physics

The scope of physics is very wide. We find enormous ranges of length, mass and time in physical processes. For example, the length may range from 10-15 m (size of nucleus) to 1026 m (size of universe), 10-30 kg (mass of electron) to 1030 kg (mass of sun) and time-interval from 10-23 s (time taken by light to cross a nuclear distance) to 1018 s (life of sun). In spite such a wide range of length, mass and time, the complex physical phenomena involving them can be easily understood. There are three ways:

  1. A quantitative study of various natural phenomena shows that there is some regularity and symmetry even in the most complex phenomenon which helps us in understanding it.
  2. In spite of the enormous diversity of scales of natural phenomena, all of them can be explained in terms of only a few basic laws . One such law is the law of conservation of energy.
  3. In any complex phenomenon, we can separate the more important features from the less important ones. We can then understand the complex phenomenon in terms of the more important features and unfold the simplicity hidden behind the complexity.

Career Opportunities

  • National laboratories and organizations like BARC, DRDO, SSPL, ISRO, Space Application Centres (SAC), National Atmospheric Research laboratory of department of space, Inter university accelerator centres (IUAC), Indira Gandhi Centre for atomic research (IGCAR) Kalpakkam, Raja Ramanna Centre for advanced Technology (RRCAT) Indore, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) Calcutta, Uranium Corporation of India Limited, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Nuclear fuel complex, Heavy Water Board, Atomic mineral directorate; PRL Ahmedabad, IPR Gandhinagar, IUCAA, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics Calcutta, ARIES, Uttrakhand, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Centre for Liquid Crystal Research (CLCR), UGC DAE CSR; Constituent laboratories & institutes of CSIR like National Physical Laboratory (NPL), National Geophysical Research Institute, Regional Research Laboratories, National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS), Institute of Materials & Mineral Technology (IMMT), National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR), etc. provides enormous career opportunites as scientist/director/research fellow/research associate/research assistant/technician. Etc. in these laboratories and institutes.
  • Agricultural research services with soil physics & agricultural physics as specialization.
  • Teaching in secondary and higher secondary schools, degree colleges, poly techniques, engineering colleges and state and central Universities, prestigious institutions including IITs, IISc, IISERs. Moreover, many reputed coaching classes offer good pay packages.
  • Software field especially game developer (motion specialist) has more prospectuses.

Job Options

  • Aerospace and aviation jobs
  • Applied physics jobs
  • Astronomy and astrophysics jobs
  • Atmospheric science jobs
  • Atomic and molecular jobs
  • Biomedical Engineering jobs
  • Biophysics jobs
  • Computational physics jobs
  • Condensed physics jobs
  • Cosmology jobs
  • Electrical engineering jobs
  • Geophysics jobs
  • Instrumentation and measurement jobs
  • Materials jobs
  • Medical physics jobs
  • Nanotechnology jobs
  • Nuclear physics jobs
  • Optics and Laser jobs
  • Plasma particle jobs
  • Robotics jobs
  • Space physics jobs